
Showing posts from May, 2017

The world wherein only you!

What if the world is yours and yours is the only existence? Will you not enjoy a complete freedom? Though a complete loneliness may surround you...!

Hidden in Silence

Often the unspoken is wrapped in silence...! Does your silence hide...?

Tearing Tears

"I don't want to grow up mummy..." Finally when will be our security able to vanish the insecurity within us? When a girl is not safe today; What for to save a girl child....? Yes! A million dollar issue to think on...!

Taken for Granted

"...One day we were laughing at our constant inside jokes and the next we weren’t prioritizing our friendship.  I may not be the person whom you tell everything to or the one who understands you more,but that’s okay! I had my time and now someone else will be blessed with your togetherness. I am happy that we have shared sweet memories. But let us hope your next birthday we may celebrate together... Take care:) " Certain things that are granted to you, should not be taken for granted without reason...Because it's not everything that you can re-get; but simply regret...!